Tuesday, April 15, 2008

AA Thesis Proposal

For my paper I was thinking about writing on how Maguire twists fairy tales around so that they’re from the evil character’s perspective. His books range from a book about the story of the Ugly Stepsisters to the story if the Wicked Witch of the west. His books give you a different perspective on original fairytales, and it almost makes you feel sorry for the evil characters because they have had such a hard life and it makes you realize that it is a big reason for them turning into the bad guys in the story. I mean all our lives we are told the classic story of Cinderella in her rags doing house work and then marrying the prince and then there’s Dorothy with her red slippers and meeting the Wizard and then finding a way home. These are the classic fairytales we have been told since we were young, but what if this was twisted around? What if you heard the evil characters side? Would you feel bad for them and would it change you’re opinion on the stories and them?
Those are the types of questions that go through my mind when I am reading the books and the way he writes these books you can definitely picture the characters having a life like that, because he writes it in a convincing way. I still have to think about a good thesis for this topic, but I think it would make an interesting paper and I could probably take some of these questions that I put forward and make them into a thesis by combining them in some way. Some things I could talk about is how he twists these fairy tales, some examples from the books as to how he writes about these evil characters pasts in a convincing way, I could give my own personal experience from reading this book and I could also give other peoples experiences of what they thought when they read this book. As far as sources go I would probably benefit the most from reading book reviews and literary criticism’s, because those tend to be peoples opinions on books or people trying to convince you of a point. I think that I could find some good book reviews or literary criticism that talk about this idea of twisting the fairy tale and how people reacted.
A challenge that I see is I might have a bit of trouble on finding people who had the same reaction as I did in literary criticism’s and in book reviews. So it might get hard to make the paper if I don’t have a lot of examples. I might have a bit of trouble writing the full ten page paper, but I think if I take the time to put a lot of effort into it and think about it a lot I can get it done. I think my next step is to try mapping out this idea and see how much I would have to write about. If for some reason it looks like I won’t have enough then I will have to pick something else to write on and I do have another good idea in mind if this one looks like it won’t work out.