Wednesday, March 12, 2008

blog # 5

Since my last post I have read another chapter of my book and I am now up to page 109. I realize that I am pretty far behind, because I am still on my first book, but I am going try and do a whole bunch of reading over the weekend and hopefully by Tuesday I will either be done with the book or really close to being done. This chapter that I finished was really short and it was about the master and his painting. The master who Iris and her family were staying with has been working on a portrait of Clara and in this chapter he is finishing it up and there is a lot of talk about the style of the painting and what is going on in the painting. Unfortunately since I have not started my second book I cannot really answer the prompt question, but as soon as I start my next book I will answer the prompt question. I would assume though that there is going to be a lot of show not tell detail like in this book in the second one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are off to a good start. Thinking about symbolism and descriptive writing will point you in the right direction when writing your paper.